Truck Crane Rental

Truck Crane

Your partner for versatile crane rentals in Rome

Everyone knows that to carry out large construction works and more, specific tools are needed that companies or enterprises do not always possess. To overcome this issue, the perfect solution is to turn to Palma Noleggio.

The crane rental services offered by Palma Noleggio target multiple recipients: construction companies, individuals, and even companies that need to perform tasks related to the transport of heavy and large loads.

It should be noted that crane rental is very versatile, allowing companies approaching Palma Noleggio to perform various activities beyond both construction and building activities.

Specifically, thanks to crane rental, it is possible to carry out renovation work on building facades, terraces, gutters, roofs of houses, and even chimneys.

Outside the construction industry, this tool can also be used in gardening or the film industry. Concerning gardening, crane rental can be used for pruning larger shrubs.

In the film industry, cranes can be used when there is a need to shoot particular scenes involving the transportation of large objects or moving a pool onto a terrace.

Cranes are also perfect for performing other activities such as cleaning or maintaining windows at very high altitudes. As you can see, cranes are a very versatile tool, serving many purposes. That's why many companies, unable to afford the high purchase cost and the space cranes occupy, prefer to opt for rental.

Palma Noleggio allows everyone who turns to them to carry out the mentioned works with seriousness and respecting all the rules and administrative laws required for the installation of cranes. To be clearer, let's detail the assistance services offered by the aforementioned company.

Assistance services guaranteed by Palma Noleggio

Palma Noleggio assists companies and anyone who turns to them at every stage of crane rental. Before the start of work and the rental itself, the company provides a free inspection carried out by its own experienced consultants who go to the location where the work needs to be done to provide all possible information.

It should be added that the aforementioned rental company also takes care of all the bureaucratic procedures related to practices concerning the occupation of public land and all administrative practices to ensure that all work is done legally, avoiding that the company interested in renting the work tool may incur irregularities or sanctions.

To ensure the success of the work, Palma Noleggio also takes care of everything related to workplace safety. Specifically, Palma verifies that the rented crane is perfectly in order and the safety of the workers who have to work with this tool.

As you can see, Palma Noleggio takes care of all aspects, both work-related and bureaucratic, ensuring the perfect success of the work and its regularity.

Different crane models

Palma Noleggio allows you to rent different types of cranes to meet the various and diverse work needs of companies or individuals who turn to them for the rental of this tool, which can have different outreach, height, and capacity depending on the chosen model.

Specifically, the aforementioned company offers its customers the Fassi F30 and Fassi F32 cranes; the second has lifting capacities, a smaller outreach than the first, and consequently, it can also support less weight.

Palma Noleggio also allows you to take advantage of more powerful and capable cranes than those already mentioned, such as Effer 210/6s, Effer 525/6S, and Effer 850/8+6s.

As you can see, Palma Noleggio allows you to choose from various types of cranes with the aim of guaranteeing professionalism, quality of equipment, and safety both from a work and bureaucratic point of view.

Fill out the form, we'll be happy to help!

To rent our products, request information, or get a free quote, contact us by calling 0641400932 or by filling out the dedicated form.

Via di Sant'Alessandro, 287
00131 Roma

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